Below are the listed Part 1 crimes that occurred in the Windsor Park Neighborhood from November 1st, thru November 30th, 2021. Please disseminate the information out to your community. SEAL (Significant Events Activity Log)

Overall, VIOLENT crime is down in the Windsor Park neighborhood, compared to the month of October. However, Theft From Motor Vehicle went up in reports. Please continue to remain vigilant especially now with the Holiday Season.
In the event you do report suspicious activities it is imperative to be as detailed as possible in providing a description of the individual(s) or vehicle(s), including clothing descriptions, hair styles, any noticeable tattoos, piercings, etc. Remember, if you believe something is not right you need to say something! Please continue to be safe out there and be vigilant of your surroundings.
I have attached a Holiday Seasonal Tips form that will guide you all on how to stay safe during the holiday season. Please share with friends, family, and neighbors.
Officer N. Montero P4830
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
SWAT Negotiator
Eastway Division Community Coordinator
3505 Central Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28205
704-336-8535 (Office)
980-240-0143 (Cell) (Email)