Windsor Park Neighborhood,
Below are the listed Part 1 crimes that occurred in the Windsor Park Neighborhood for the month of March 2023. Please disseminate the information out to your community. SEAL (Significant Events Activity Log)

Please see link below regarding a media statement about Hyundai News:
We have seen a tremendous increase of Kia and Hyundai vehicles being stolen due to a Tik Tok challenge. Please try and secure your vehicle with a wheel lock to prevent the vehicles being stolen.
What To Do If Your Car Is Stolen
If your car is stolen, contact the police immediately. If you have the below information handy, it could assist the police in recovering your vehicle faster.
The year, make, model and color of the car
License plate number
Vehicle Identification Number (also called the "VIN")
Thank you and as always don’t hesitate to reach out.
Officer N. Montero P4830
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
SWAT Negotiator
Eastway Division Community Coordinator
3505 Central Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28205
704-336-8535 (Office)
980-240-0143 (Cell) (Email)