Below are the listed Part 1 crimes that occurred in the Windsor Park Neighborhood for the month of May 2022. SEAL (Significant Events Activity Log)

Aggravated Assault-Gun:
On May 26, 2022, at approximately 2210 hours, an unknown suspect fired a round into a residence. The incident took place at the 3500 block of Enfield Road. (This case is domestic related and the suspect was identified, charged and arrested)
On May 5, 2022, at approximately 0206 hours, unknown suspect(s) shot into an occupied residence. Officers located shell casings; no suspect identified and no one hit.
As we compare the numbers from April and May, there has certainly been an increase in car break-ins and vehicle thefts in the Windsor Park Neighborhood. Please continue to lock your vehicle(s) and not leave them running unattended.
Please remain vigilant of your surrounding and always keep your vehicle’s doors locked. Do not leave any firearms in your vehicle.
Call 9-1-1 to report any crime and/or suspicious activity. You can remain anonymous, although is highly encouraged to at least leave a call back name and number in the event responding officers need more information.
Any questions and/or concerns feel free to contact me.
Officer N. Montero P4830
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
SWAT Negotiator
Eastway Division Community Coordinator
3505 Central Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28205
704-336-8535 (Office)
980-240-0143 (Cell) (Email)