Windsor Park is proud to present your one neighborhood stop for a day of Community-Wide Yard Sales! Expect dozens of individual yard and garage sales taking place from 8:00am - 1:00pm! Fundraising doughnuts will be available to enhance your shopping experience.
An interactive map will be updated as Windsor Park residents sign up to host a yard sale:

For Windsor Park residents hosting a yard sale:
There is a $15.00 entry fee to host a yard sale at your home. This is payable via our website and goes towards Marketing + Mecklenburg County Yard Sale Permit + a small WPNA donation
For those who would like to host a yard sale at our central location, it is $5.00 per table.
All yard sale hosts must be members of the WPNA (if you are not, please visit:
In the case of a rain delay, the Windsor Park Community-Wide Yard Sale will be rescheduled for Saturday, May 7th from 8:00am - 1:00pm.